Southern Oregon Living and Dying Alliance
Mission Statement.
SOLADA is connecting compassionate, dedicated, service-oriented individuals who are promoting positive death literacy in word and action. We are co-creating a community around conscious living and dying to increase our capacity to serve and care for one another and our planet.
Special Summer Events Upcoming!
End Game
6-8pm on August 15, 2024 at Grants Pass Art Museum
229 SW G Street, 2nd floor, Grants Pass, OR 97526
The purpose of SOLADA is to encourage open and honest discussions about the human experience of living and dying, and its relationship to love and grief. Our goal is to help create compassionate, caring communities that support individuals, families, and organizations during the transitions that accompany the dying process.
List Your Business In Our Directory
Are you a service provider, or do you have a business or organization that supports conscious living and dying and promotes death literacy? Send us your information to be listed in our public Directory.
Who We Are
Southern Oregon Living and Dying Alliance is a group of committed community members who see a need for people to be informed about their choices concerning living, dying, grieving and the after-death experience. Our steering committee is composed of professional, accomplished individuals ranging in age from the early 30's into the 80's, who have worked in a variety of fields related to the group's mission.
“Death is just another path, one that we all must take.”
— Gandalf, JRR Tolkien